Proceedings and Conferences

List of conferences and proceedings in reversed chronological order.


This is a complete list of my conferences and proceedings through 2025.
Total number of conferences and proceedings : [35, 34]

These electronic articles are posted for individual, non-commercial use to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly work. They are intended for teaching and training purposes only. Articles may not be reposted or disseminated without permission by the copyright holder. Copyright holders retain all rights as indicated within each article.

[Proceedings papers] [Conferences]

Proceedings papers


  1. 2024-CAI
    Providing real-world benchmarks for super-resolving fluorescence microscope imagery using generative adversarial networks
    Cooper, J., Issa, T.B., Vinegoni, C., and Weissleder, R.
    In 2024 IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI) 2024


  1. 2020-BIBE
    Video-rate acquisition fluorescence microscopy via generative adversarial networks
    Issa, T.B., Vinegoni, C., Shaw, A., Feruglio, P.F., Weissleder, R., and Uminsky, D.
    In 2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE) 2020


  1. 2011-SPIE
    An algorithm to correct 2D near-infrared fluorescence signals using 3D intravascular ultrasound architectural information
    Mallas, G., Brooks, D.H., Rosenthal, A., Vinegoni, C., Calfon, M.A., Razansky, D., Jaffer, F.A., and Ntziachristos, V.
    In Multimodal Biomedical Imaging 2011


  1. 2010-SPIE
    Fluorescent protein imaging with multispectral optoacoustic tomography
    Razansky, D., Distel, M., Vinegoni, C., Ma, R., Koster, R., and Ntziachristos, V.
    In Photons Plus Ultrasound, San Jose (CA) 2010 2010


  1. 2009-BIOS-2
    Deep tissue optoacoustic imaging of polarized structures
    Razansky, D., Vinegoni, C., and Ntziachristos, V.
    In Conference on Photons Plus Ultrasound - Imaging and Sensing 2009
  2. 2009-BIOS-1
    Mesoscopic imaging of fluorescent proteins using multi-spectral optoacoustic tomography
    Razansky, D., Vinegoni, C., and ntziachristos, V.
    In Photons Plus Ultrasound, San Jose (CA) 2009


  1. 2008-SPIE
    Multi-spectral photo-acoustic molecular tomography resolves fluorochrome distribution with high resolution and sensitivity in small animals
    Razansky, D., Vinegoni, C., and Ntziachristos, V.
    In Photons Plus Ultrasound, San Jose (CA) 2008


  1. 2006-BIOSA
    Advances in optical imaging of dynamic three-dimensional engineered tissues
    Boppart, S.A., Vinegoni, C., Tan, W., Luo, W., Ralston, T., and Marks, D.L.
    In Biomedical OSA, Ft. Lauderdale (FL) 2006
  2. 2006-SPIE
    Multi-modality imaging of structure and function combining spectral-domain optical coherence and multiphoton microscopy
    Vinegoni, C., Ralston, T., Tan, W., Marks, D.L., and Boppart, S.A.
    In SPIE 2006 2006


  1. 2005-SPIE-2
    Optical coherence tomography of cell dynamics in three-dimensional engineered tissues
    Boppart, S.A., Tan, W., Ko, H.J., and Vinegoni, C.
    In SPIE 2005, Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Techniques II 2005
  2. 2005-SPIE-1
    Molecularly-sensitive optical ranging using nonlinear interferometric vibrational imaging
    Marks, D.L., Vinegoni, C., Bredfeldt, J.S., and Boppart, S.A.
    In Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE Coherence Domain Optical Methods and Optical Coherence Tomography in Biomedicine IX 2005
  3. 2005-BIOS
    Nonlinear interferometric vibrational imaging: optical ranging and spatial localization of CARS
    Marks, D.L., Vinegoni, C., Bredfeldt, J.S., and Boppart, S.A.
    In BIOS 2005, San Jose, CA 2005


  1. 2004-OSA-1
    Functional optical coherence tomography of neurophysiology
    Boppart, S.A., Lazebnik, M., Vinegoni, C., Bowonder, A., Marks, D.L., and Gillete, R.
    In OSA BIOMED 2004 (Miami, FL) 2004
  2. 2004-LEOS
    Contrast enhancement methods for optical coherence tomography
    Boppart, S.A., Marks, D.L., Oldenburg, A.L., Vinegoni, C., Bredfeldt, J.S., Chenyang, X., Gunther, J.R., Toublan, F.J.J., and Suslick, K.S.
    In 2004 Digest of the LEOS Summer Topical Meetings 2004
  3. 2004-SPIE-1
    Nonlinear interferometric vibrational imaging of molecular species
    Bredfeldt, J.S., Marks, D.L., Vinegoni, C., Hambir, S., Dlott, D., and Boppart, S.A.
    In SPIE 2004 Medical Imaging (S. Diego, CA) 2004
  4. 2004-SPIE-2
    Structural and Functional Imaging of Engineered Tissue Development using an Integrated OCT and MultiPhoton Microscope
    Fahrner, L.J., Tan, W., Vinegoni, C., Eurell, T., and Boppart, S.A.
    In SPIE 2004 Medical Imaging (S. Diego, CA) 2004
  5. 2004-EMBS
    Pulse Shaping Strategies for Nonlinear Interferometric Vibrational Imaging Optimized for Biomolecular Imaging
    Marks, D.L., Vinegoni, C., Bredfeldt, J.S., and Boppart, S.A.
    In EMBS 2004 Engineering in Medicine and Biology (S. Francisico, CA) 2004
  6. 2004-OSA-2
    Nonlinear optical contrast enhancement in OCT
    Vinegoni, C., Bredfeldt, J.S., Marks, D.L., and Boppart, S.A.
    In OSA BIOMED 2004 (Miami, FL) 2004


  1. 2003-ECOC-2
    Distribution of Differential Group Delay in Recirculating Loops
    Petersson, M., Vinegoni, C., Sunnerud, H., and Karlsson, M.
    In IEEE LEOS Summer Topical Meeting 2003, Vancouver, Canada 2003
  2. 2003-ECOC-1
    Polarization-dependent loss statistics in recirculating loops
    Vinegoni, C., Karlsson, M., Petersson, M., and Sunnerud, H.
    In ECOC 2003 (Rimini, Italy) 2003


  1. 2002-PN
    PMD effect on measurements of distributed chromatic dispersion in DSF fibers
    Chen, H., Leblanc, M., Schinn, G., Vinegoni, C., Wegmuller, M., and Gisin, N.
    In Photonics North 2002 (Quebec City, CA) 2002
  2. 2002-NIST
    A Comparison of Six techniques for nonlinear coefficient measurements of various single mode optical fibers
    Namihira, Y., Miyagy, K., Kaneshima, K., Tadakuma, M., Vinegoni, C., Pietra, G., and Kawanami, K.
    In NIST 2002 Boulder, CO (USA) 2002
  3. 2002-OFC
    Distributed measurements of chromatic dispersion and of the nonlinear coefficient in DSF fibers with non negligible values of PMD
    Vinegoni, C., Chen, H., Leblanc, M., Schinn, G., Wegmuller, M., and Gisin, N.
    In OFC 2002 (Anaheim, U.S.A.) 2002


  1. 2001-OFC
    Measurements of the polarization coupling length in telecom fiber using nonlinear polarization rotation
    Vinegoni, C., Wegmuller, M., and Gisin, N.
    In OFC 2001 (Anaheim, U.S.A.) 2001
  2. 2001-OFMC-1
    Interlaboratory measurements of the nonlinear coefficient of standard SMF and DSF fibers using an inter- ferometric method and an SPM based cw dual-frequency method
    Vinegoni, C., Wegmuller, M., Gisin, N., Nakajima, K., and Ohashi, M.
    In OFMC 2001, Cambridge (UK) 2001
  3. 2001-OFMC-2
    First and second order PMD emulator
    Wegmuller, M., Demma, S., Vinegoni, C., and Gisin, N.
    In OFMC 2001, Cambridge (UK) 2001


  1. 2000-NIST-1
    Estimation of the polarization coupling length in standard telecom fibers from measurements of nonlinear polarization rotation
    Vinegoni, C., Wegmuller, M., and Gisin, N.
    In NIST 2000 (Boulder, CO) 2000
  2. 2000-CLEO
    Faraday mirror stabilization scheme for nonlinear polarization rotation in optical fibers: model and applications
    Vinegoni, C., Wegmuller, M., and Gisin, N.
    In CLEO 2000 (Nice) 2000
  3. 2000-ICTON
    Implementation of a Faraday mirror stabilization scheme for all optical switching in a standard telecom fiber
    Vinegoni, C., Wegmuller, M., and Gisin, N.
    In ICTON 2000 (Warsaw, Poland) 2000
  4. 2000-NOISE
    Measurements of the nonlinear coefficient n2/Aef f using a self aligned interferometer and a Faraday mirror
    Vinegoni, C., Wegmuller, M., and Gisin, N.
    In NOISE 2000 (Twente, the Netherlands). 2000
  5. 2000-NIST-2
    Overview of coherent reflectometry techniques: characterization of components and small systems
    Wegmuller, M., Oberson, P., Weid, J.P., Guinnard, O., Guinnard, L., Vinegoni, C., Legre, M., and Gisin, N.
    In NIST 2000 (Boulder, CO) 2000


  1. 1998-ECSI
    Changes of structural, optical and vibrational properties of WO3 powders after milling or mixing with ReO3
    Cazzanelli, E., Vinegoni, C., Mariotto, G., Kuzmin, A., and Purans., J.
    In Electrochemical Society International meeting (S. Antonio TX, USA) 1998
  2. 1998-EMRS-1
    Radiative emission properties of a-SiN:H based alloys, nanometric multilayers and light emitting devices
    Giorgis, F., Pirri, C.F., Vinegoni, C., and Pavesi, L.
    In E-MRS 98 Spring Meeting 1998
  3. 1998-SPIE
    CVD diamond wires and tips for x-ray detection: growth and characterization by SEM and micro-Raman spectroscopy
    Manfredotti, C., Fizzotti, F., Lo Giudice, A., Mucera, G., Polesello, P., Vittone, E., Mariotto, G., Vinegoni, C., and Cazzanelli, E.
    In SPIE conference in “Laser processes in synthesis, characterization and processing of diamond” 1998



  1. 20019-CIRC
    A Mouse Model of Recurrent Myocardial Infarction Reports Diminished Emergency Hematopoiesis and Cardiac Inflammation
    Cremer, S., Schloss, M., Vinegoni, C., Zhang, S., Rohde, D., Fumene, F.P., Stephen, S., Greg, W., Weissleder, R., Swirski, F.K., and Nahrendorf, M.
    In Circulation 2019


  1. 2017-ACS
    Two photon fluorescence polarization microscopy for imaging and quantifying drug target binding in vitro and in vivo
    Vinegoni, C., and Weissleder, R.
    In Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 2017


  1. 2016-CR
    Mitochondrial morphology as a biomarker of cancer phenotype and drug response
    Giedt, R.J., Feruglio, P.F., Pathania, D., Yang, K.S., Vinegoni, C., Mitchison, T.J., and Weissleder, R.
    In Cancer Research 2016


  1. 2015-AICHE
    In Vivo Imaging of Anticancer Drug Activity At the Cellular Level
    Dubach, J.M., Vinegoni, C., and Weissleder, R.
    In AIChE Annual Meeting 2015


  1. 2014-AICHE
    Imaging Drug Target Engagement in Vivo
    Dubach, J.M., Vinegoni, C., and Weissleder, R.
    In AIChE Annual Meeting 2014


  1. 2013-FASEB
    Regulation of basal cell plasticity by epidermal growth factor and c-sRc in vivo in the mouse epididymis
    Roy, J., Ruan, Y.C., Hill, E., Visconti, P., Krapf, D., Vinegoni, C., and Breton, S.
    In FASEB J. 2013


  1. 2011-EB
    In-vivo two-photon imaging of the honeybee antennal lobe
    Haase, A., Rigosi, E., Anfora, G., Vinegoni, C., Vallortigara, G., and Antolini, R.
    In European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters 2011


  1. 2007-DRC
    Live imaging of Drosophila pupae with Fluorescence Molecular Tomography
    Pitsouli, C, Vinegoni, C., Razansky, D., Ntziachristos, V., and Perrimon, N.
    In 48th Annual Drosophila Research Conference (2007) 2007
  2. 2007-SMI
    In-vivo Mesoscopic Fluorescence Tomography of Developing Insects
    Vinegoni, C., Pitsouli, C, Razansky, D., Perrimon, N., and Ntziachristos, V.
    In SMI, Rhode Island (MA) 2007


  1. 2006-AHA
    In vivo imaging of protease activity in atherosclorosis using a near infrared fluorescence intravascular catheter
    Jaffer, F.A., Nahrendorf, M., Vinegoni, C., John, M.C., Aikawa, E., Uchihashi, M., Finn, A.V., Ntziachristos, V., Libby, P., Gold, H.K., and Weissleder, R.
    In AHA 2006 2006
  2. 2006-BMI
    In vivo near infrared fluorescence imaging of protease activity in a rabbit model of atherosclerosis
    Jaffer, F.A., Nahrendorf, M., Vinegoni, C., John, M.C., Aikawa, E., Uchihashi, M., Finn, A.V., Ntziachristos, V., Libby, P., Gold, H.K., and Weissleder, R.
    In BMI 2006


  1. 2004-OSA-3
    Nonlinear interferometric vibrational imaging with differentiation of resonant CARS from nonresonant four-wave-mixing processes
    Boppart, S.A., Marks, D.L., Bredfeldt, J.S., and Vinegoni, C.
    In Optical Society of America Topical Meeting on Nonlinear Optics, Waikoloa, HI 2004
  2. 2004-NIH
    Molecular contrast enhancement for optical coherence tomography
    Boppart, S.A., Oldenburg, A.L., Marks, D.L., Vinegoni, C., Bredfeldt, J.S., Xu, C., Gunther, J.R., Toublan, F.J.J., Watkin, K.L., and Suslick, K.S.
    In Poster presentation, NIH Optical Imaging Workshop, Bethesda, MD 2004
  3. 2004-AACR
    Optical coherence tomography for basic science investigation and clinical diagnosis of cancer
    Boppart, S.A., Oldenburg, A.L., Tan, W., Marks, D.L., Lee, T.M., Vinegoni, C., Bredfeldt, J.S., Luo, W., Gunther, J.R., Suslick, K.S., and Singletary, K.W.
    In Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, Orlando, FL 2004
  4. 2004-SMI
    Nonlinear interferometric vibrational imaging for molecular species detection and localization
    Boppart, S.A., Vinegoni, C., Bredfeldt, J.S., and Marks, D.L.
    In The Society for Molecular Imaging Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO 2004
  5. 2004-AMI
    Nonlinear interferometric vibrational imaging for molecular diagnostics
    Boppart, S.A., Vinegoni, C., Bredfeldt, J.S., Marks, D.L., Hambir, S., and Dlott, D.
    In Annual Conference of the Academy of Molecular Imaging, Orlando, FL 2004
  6. 2004-CUBIC
    Optical coherence tomography of neural activity
    Bowonder, A., Vinegoni, C., Yafremava, L., Gillete, R., and Boppart, S.A.
    In Chicago Universities Bioengineering Industry Consortium (CUBIC). Chicago, IL 2004
  7. 2004-OSA-4
    Interferometric contrast between resonant coherent anti-Stokes Raman Scattering and nonresonant four-wave mixing
    Marks, D.L., Vinegoni, C., Bredfeldt, J.S., and Boppart, S.A.
    In Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, Rochester, NY 2004
  8. 2004-FBIS
    Biomolecular laser imaging and therapeutic system
    Marks, D.L., Vinegoni, C., Bredfeldt, J.S., Xu, C., Wiedermann, A., Dlott, D., Gruebele, M., Kitchell, B., and boppart, S.A.
    In Poster presentation, Frontiers of Biomedical Imaging Symposium, Urbana, IL 2004


  1. 2003-NCI
    Nonlinear Interferometric Vibrational Imaging
    Marks, D.L., Hambir, S., Vinegoni, C., Bredfeldt, J.S., Xu, C., Ye, J., Wiedermann, A., Dlott, D., Gruebele, M., Kitchell, B., and Boppart, S.A.
    In Meeting of the NCI/NASA Fundamental technologies for the development of biomolecular sensors programs 2003


  1. 2001-TWANN
    A near infrared SNOM: first results and prospects
    Mugnier, Y., Mored, M., Descouts, P., Vinegoni, C., Wegmuller, M., and Gisin, N.
    In Workshop on nanoscience 2001. (Twannberg, CH) 2001


  1. 2000-GB-1
    Measurement of nonlinear coefficient n2/Aef f in optical fibers using a self aligned interferometer and a Faraday Mirror
    Vinegoni, C., Wegmuller, M., and Gisin, N.
    In Presented at Goteborg ’00 (COST 265) 2000
  2. 2000-GB-2
    Nonlinear polarization rotation in high birefringence optical fibers with a Faraday mirror
    Vinegoni, C., Wegmuller, M., Huttner, B., and Gisin, N.
    In Presented at Goteborg ’00 (COST 265) 2000


  1. 1999-APS-2
    Stress mapping in CVD diamond films by micro-Raman spectroscopy
    Benedetti, S., Mariotto, G., Levy, J., and Vinegoni, C.
    In APS 1999 Meeting (Atlanta) 1999
  2. 1999-UKNC
    Pulsed laser deposition of gallium nitrade
    Lunney, J.G., Cole, D., Cazzanelli, M., Vinegoni, C., and Castro, J.
    In Presented at THE 1ST UKNC CONFERENCE 1999
  3. 1999-APS-1
    Morphological and optical characterization of GaN prepared by pulsed laser ablation
    Trivelli, A., Cazzanelli, M., Vinegoni, C., Lunney, J.G., and Levy, J.
    In APS 1999 Meeting (Atlanta) 1999
  4. 1999-KONST
    Structure and vibrational dynamics of WO3 and W1−xRexO3−y
    Vinegoni, C.
    In Presented at the Dept. of Physics, Universitaet Konstanz (D) 1999
  5. 1999-AMALFI
    Measurement of nonlinear polarization rotation in high birefringence optical fibers with a Faraday mirror
    Vinegoni, C., Wegmuller, M., Huttner, B., and Gisin, N.
    In Presented at Amalfi Workshop ’99 (Amalfi, Italy) 1999


  1. 1998-EMRS-2
    Luminescent properties of GaN thin films prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition
    Cazzanelli, M., Cole, D., Lunney, J.G., O’Donnel, K.P., Middleton, P.G., Trager-Cowan, C., Vinegoni, C., and Pavesi, L.
    In EMRS Conference 1998
  2. 1998-ECDDNSC
    Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy investigations of annealed amorphous carbon- germanium films deposited by dc-magnetron sputtering
    Mariotto, G., Vinegoni, C., Jacobson, L.G., and Freire Jr., F.L.
    In Diamond 1998, 9th European Conf. on Diamond, Diamondlike materials, Nitrides and Silicon carbide. Creta, Greece 1998
  3. 1998-PITT
    Porous silicon multilayers and microcavities
    Vinegoni, C.
    In Presented at the Dept. of Physics, University of Pittsburgh US 1998


  1. 1997-RS
    Raman resonant effects at the oxide interface in WxRe1−xO3−y mixed systems
    Cazzanelli, E., Vinegoni, C., Mariotto, G., Kuzming, A., and Purans., J.
    In Annual conference of Raman Spectroscopy, Padova, Italy 1997
  2. 1997-INSEL-3
    Investigations of the visible emission in thermal and pressure treated Czochralski-grown silicon
    Cazzanelli, M., Pavesi, L., Vinegoni, C., Brusa, R.S., Karwasz, G.P., Tiengo, M., Zecca, A., Surma, B., and Misiuk, A.
    In Presented at the 5th annual meeting INSEL-V on “Light Emitting Silicon” in Modena 1997
  3. 1997-INSEL-2
    Radiative recombination processes in a-Si:C, H thin films deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition
    Giorgis, F., Giuliani, C.F., Tresso, E., Calcagno, L., Musumeci, P., Reitano, R., Compagnini, G., Pavesi, L., and Vinegoni, C.
    In Presented at the 5th annual meeting INSEL-V on “Light Emitting Silicon” in Modena 1997
  4. 1997-INSEL-1
    Photoluminescence and electroluminescence in amorphous silicon–based superlattice structures
    Giorgis, F., Pirri, C.F., Rizzoli, R., Summonte, C., Pavesi, L., and Vinegoni, C.
    In Presented at the 5th annual meeting INSEL-V on “Light Emitting Silicon” in Modena 1997